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Call for Papers:Eighteenth International ISKO Conference
发布时间:2023-03-01  点击数:


Wuhan, China

March 20-22, 2024

Knowledge Organization for Resilience in Times of Crisis
Challenges and

The world is facing many challenges, from extreme climate and natural disasters to infectious diseaseand from economic recession to regional conflicts. In this conference we want to explore how systematic, flexible knowledge organization (KO) can contribute to resilient information systems -- information systems that keep functioning even under detrimental external influences and that can provide quick answers to unexpected queries stemming from unexpected situations. Such systems can in turn contribute to society's resilience and sustainability, the capacity to recover from crises and to prepare for future uncertainties through adaptation.

We view Knowledge Organization broadly as dealt with in Information Science, Computer Science (Data Modeling, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning), Taxonomies in the Sciences, Philosophy, History, the Ontology community, Psychology and Cognitive Science, Linguistics, and other domains.

Many audiences, from experts to the general public, need to be informed about existing and looming crises and dangerous situations and know what to do for their own protection and what measures need to be taken to protect society at large. We want to explore how Knowledge Organization can power information systems to find, select, and format information so that it can be assimilated and understood by the respective audience, how KO can enable information systems to deliver a good user experience.

To meet this challenge,KO must develop new methods and tools to address changing needs from social, cultural, science, and technological environments and create responsible, just KO products, systems, and methods. We want to learn how KO can make progress by using tools available through new developments in AI, semantic Web technology, and data science.

The conference is hosted by the School of Information Management, Wuhan University and the Center for Studies of Information Resources, Wuhan University. It offers an opportunity to share research and insights about the effects of KO and how it can integrate and disseminate information in different domains to facilitate knowledge creation and use.

We seek submission of full papers, short papers, posters, workshop proposals, doctoral colloquium, best practices, and submissions to the Chinese track. We invite high-quality theoretical and application-oriented submissions on any aspect of Knowledge Organization. We particularly welcome submissions on the following topics, but the list is not meant to be limiting but to spur thinking.

Knowledge Organization Systems (KOS) including ontologies, taxonomies, classifications, thesauri, dictionaries, glossaries/ terminologies, and metadata schemes; KOS used to standardize concepts, terms, and definitions; standardsforKOS; KOS that help to understand crises and finding relevant information:

Well-organized classifications of types of crises and of concepts to characterize and describe crises;

Classifications that systematically arrange and elucidate the underlying factors leading to crises, warning signs, and approaches to dealing with crises.

Interoperability to facilitate finding, integrating, and applying relevant information from many disparate systems.

KO methods: KOS development and maintenance, especially quick updates to adapt to new scientific-technological developments and evolving situations; KO contribution to: improving the organization and usability of linked data, the application of FAIR principles, internal and external knowledge representation (including knowledge graphs and visualization), manual and automatic metadata creation, abstracting, and indexing.

Artificial intelligence and knowledge organization: KO challenges and opportunitiesin the AI era, KO contributions to enhance machine learning and, conversely, machine learning for KO development, KO for dealing with big data.

Domain knowledge organization: KO for scientific, technical, earth sciences, social sciences, and legal (including digital forensics) domains, the humanities (including digital humanities and digital scholarship);cross-domain KO to support collaboration in interdisciplinary teams.

Knowledge organization in many contexts: cultural heritage institutions -- physical and digital galleries, libraries, archives, and museums (GLAMs), the Web at large, government document repositories, data repositories, biorepositories, and more.

Education and professional training in KO: KO course design, KO textbooks, education and training in KO techniques.

Knowledge Organization and cultural and social aspects/issues:Social and political aspects of the use of KO; ethics and KO; KO for diversity and inclusion, justice, and equity.

The authors of the best papers will receive awards and certificates. Best papers will  be recommended to Knowledge Organization, Information Processing & Management, Internet Research, and Electronic Library. Best Chinese papers will be recommended to 《中国图书馆学报》、《情报学报》、《图书情报知识》、《信息资源管理学报》、《图书情报工作》、《情报资料工作》、《情报理论与实践》、《数据分析与知识发现》


Workshops and Panels

Submission of workshop proposals due:15 September 2023, 11:59 PM UTC+8

Notification regarding submitted workshops: 31 October 2023

Full papers and Short papers

Submission of papers due:15 July 2023,11:59 PM UTC+8

Notification regarding submitted papers: 15 August 2023

Camera-ready accepted papers due: 1 September 2023, 11:59 PM UTC+8


Submission of posters due:18 August 2023, 11:59 PM UTC+8

Notifications regarding submitted posters:3 September 2023

Camera-ready accepted posters due:10 September 2023, 11:59 PM UTC+8

Doctoral colloquium

Paper submissions due:15 September 2023, 11:59 PM UTC+8

Notifications regarding submitted papers: 31 October 2023

Doctoral students can submit their papers to this track. The authors of best papers in the Doctoral colloquium will receive awards and certificates.

Best practices

Proposal submissions due:15 September 2023, 11:59 PM UTC+8

Notifications regarding submitted proposals: 31 October 2023

KO Practitioners and researchers can submit their application-oriented proposals to this track.

Chinese track

Submission of papers due:15 September 2023,11:59 PM UTC+8

Notification regarding submitted papers: 31 October 2023

Papers written in Chinese can be submitted to this track.

Submission site is ready. Please see http://isko2024.whu.edu.cn/Submissions/Submission_instructions_and_policies.htm for the submission links and http://isko2024.whu.edu.cn/Submissions/Submission_types.htm for the submission types.”

Please see the template: http://isko2024.whu.edu.cn/Submissions/Template_instructions.htm

See http://isko2024.whu.edu.cn/info/1321/1281.htm for more details.

Watch the Conference Website http://isko2024.whu.edu.cn/index.htm for updates.