Contact Information

School of Information Management,
Wuhan University,
Wuhan, Hubei Province,
P.R.China. 430072

Lihong Zhou

2018-09-20 10:13:26


Name: Lihong Zhou


Academic/job title: Professor (Full)/Assistant to the Dean/Director of International Office


Contact Information:


Room No.: 333


Short Bio:

Lihong Zhou – BSc, MSc, PhD, is a Professor, PhD advisor, the Assistant to the Dean and the Director of International Office at the School of Information Management (the top LIS research and education institution in China) in Wuhan University. He obtained his MSc and PhD in Information Studies from the Information School, The University of Sheffield, UK. He has published more than 60 refereed articles in knowledge and information management, as well as in library management and services. He sits on the editorial board of two internationally reputable journals: IFLA Journal, and Libri: International Journal of Libraries and Information Studies. He holds two nationals grants from the National Science Foundation of China and the National Social Science Foundation of China. Email:


Research Interests:

Library management and service

Knowledge and information management




Library and Information Centre Management (Undergraduate)


Professional English for Library Science Students (Undergraduate)


Information Systems Modelling (Postgraduate)


Management and Research in Library Management (Postgraduate)


Selected Publications (Recent 3 Years)


“Multicultural Services in China’s Public Libraries for the Protection and Promotion of Ethnic Minorities’ Cultures: A Case Study”. Libri - International Journal of Libraries and Information Studies, 2019, 69(2). In Press.


“Internationalization of China's English-language academic journals: An overview and three approaches: Internationalization of China's academic journals”. Learned Publishing, 2018, In Press.


“Towards digital scholarship services in China's university libraries: Establishing a guiding framework from literature”. The Electronic Library, 2018, In Press.


“Home Away from Home: Extending Library Services for International Students in China's Universities”. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 2018, 44(1), 52-59.


“Integration of Digital Cultural Heritage Resources in China: Understanding Public Expectations”. Libri - International Journal of Libraries and Information Studies, 201868(1), 59-70.


“Proposing a Framework of Barriers to Opening Government Data in China: A Critical Literature Review”. Library Hi Tech, 2017, 35(4).


“Understanding the lack of student engagement in Chinese library science undergraduate education”. Information Development, 2017, 342.


“Patient-centered knowledge sharing in healthcare organizations: identifying the external barriers”. Informatics for Health and Social Care, 2017, 42(4).


“Underutilisation of self-service libraries in Chinese cities: The absence of a patron-centric perspective”. Library Hi Tech, 2016 34(3).


“Barriers to knowledge sharing in Chinese healthcare referral services: an emergent theoretical model”. Global Health Action, 2016, 9: 29964


“Information Literacy Instruction in Chinese Universities: MOOCs versus the Traditional Approach”. Library Hi Tech, 2016, 34(2).


浅析欧盟《通用数据保护条例》及其对高校图书馆工作的影响”. 《图书馆学研究》, 2018 (20) “Analysis of the EU GDPR and its influence on the work of university library”. Research on Library Science, 2018 (20), 35-54.


国外公共图书馆开放数据服务实践分析及对我国的启示”. 《图书情报工作》, 2018(13), 139-143. “The practice of open data service practice in foreign public libraries and its inspiration to China”. Library and Information Service, 2018(13), 139-143.


中美顶尖高校图书馆数字学术服务对比研究”. 《图书与情报》, 2018 (2), 82-91. “A Comparative Analysis of Digital Scholarship Services in China's and the United States' University Libraries”. Library & Information, 2018 (2), 82-91. Doi: 10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2018028


国内外高校图书馆虚拟现实技术应用对比研究”. 《图书与情报》, 2017 (4), 2-7. “Comparison of Virtual Reality Technology Applied in University Libraries at Home and Abroad”. Library & Information, 2017 (4), 2-7. Doi: 10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2017065


我国高校图书馆科研数据管理服务调查与分析”. 《图书情报工作》,61(20). “Investigation and Analysis of Research Data Management Services in Chinese University Libraries”. Library and Information Service, 61(20), 77-86. Doi: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2017.20.008


中日图书馆学本科教育对比分析”. 《图书馆建设》, 2016(11), 78-83. “Comparative Analysis on Undergraduate Library Science Education Between China and Japan”. Library Development, 2016(11), 78-83.


“20052015年国内外政府数据开放共享研究述评”. 《情报学报》, 35(12):1323-1334. “Review on the research of open and sharing government data at home and abroad in 2005~2015”. Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 35(12), 1323-1334.


我国公共数字文化资源整合模式构建研究”. 《图书馆杂志》, 2016(7):12-25. “On the Model Building of Public Digital Cultural Resources Integration in China”. Library Journal, 2016(7), 12-25.


共享型领导支持下的图书馆服务创新研究:以馆员个体主动创新为驱动”. 《图书情报知识》, 2016(4), 37-44. “The impact of shared leadership on library service innovation: the driving role of librarian individual creativity”. Documentation, Information & Knowledge, 2016(4), 37-44.


监狱图书馆对服刑人员抑郁情绪的阅读疗法干预研究”.《图书馆建设》, 2016(7), 69-73. “Research on Bibliotherapy Intervention in Prisoner's Depressive Mood in Prison Libraries”. Library Development, 2016(7), 69-73.


“Embracing Knowledge Management as a New Perspective for Librarianship”. In: IFLA 2018 KM Satellite Conference, 23rd August, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

“Building a Theoretical Framework for the Development of Digital Scholarship Services in China’s Universities”. In: Proceedings of JCDL 2018, 3-7 June, Fort Worth Texas, USA.


“Home Away from Home: Developing Library Services for International Students in China’s Universities”. In: Proceedings of iConference 2018, 25-28 March, Wuhan, China.


“Understanding the lack of student engagement in Chinese library science undergraduate education”. In: Proceedings of iConference 2017, 22-25 March, Wuhan, China.


“A Comparative Analysis of the Library Science Undergraduate Programs in China and Japan”. In: Proceedings of iConference 2017, 22-25 March, Wuhan, China.


“Barriers to Knowledge Sharing in Chinese Healthcare Referral Services: an Emergent Theoretical Model”. In: Proceedings of iConference 2016, 20-24 March, Philadelphia, USA.


“Beyond the Organisational Boundaries: Identifying External Barriers to Patient-centred Healthcare Knowledge Sharing”. In: Proceedings of iConference 2016, 20-24 March 2015, Philadelphia, USA.


Selected Research Grants

Regional Primary Investigator: The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, 2019, “i4G: Shaping the iSchool’s Identity and Interactions in a Globalized World”.


Primary Investigator: National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2012, Grant No. 71203165, “Inter-organisational Tacit Knowledge Sharing: Adopting Chinese Healthcare Referral Services as Context”.


Primary Investigator: National Social Science Foundation of China, 2017, Grant No. 17CTQ042, “Digital Scholarship Services in Chinese University Libraries in the Context of Open Data”.


Co-Investigator: Major Program of the National Social Science Foundation of China, Grant No. 15ZDC025, “Chinese Open Government Data Movement and Policy Making”.


Co-Investigator: Major Program of the National Social Science Foundation of China, Grant No. 17ZDA295, “A Century of Library Science Education in China and Its Impact”.


Primary Investigator: Hubei Provincial Government Special Grant, “Semantic Analysis and Indexing of Hubei Local Chronicles”.