Contact Information

School of Information Management,
Wuhan University,
Wuhan, Hubei Province,
P.R.China. 430072

Yang Zhao

2018-09-20 10:24:53



Yang Zhao

Academic / job titles

Associate Professor

Contact Information

Room No509


• Human behavior

• Data analysis

• Information systems quality assessment

• Information visualization

• Mobile commerce


• Business quantitative analysis

• User experience and Internet product design

• Mobile business technology and applications

• E-commerce business planning seminars

• Emerging e-commerce theory and applications


Journal Papers (International)

• Yang Zhao, Shengli Deng, Ruoxin Zhou. “Understanding Mobile Library Apps Continuance Usage inChina: A Theoretical Framework and Empirical Study.” International Journal of Libraries and Information Services (Online publishing).

• YunMeng Tan, Yang Zhao, ShengBin Liao, ZhuoHua Wu. “Utility-Optimal Random Access Control in Wireless Multi-Hop Networks with Queuing Constraints.” SCIENCE CHINAInformation Sciences(Onlinepublicshing).

• Yang Zhao, Qian Song. “Construction and Implementation of Distributed Information Resources Allocation System for Collaborative Innovation.” Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences, 2012,4(13).

• Yang Zhao, Liyi Zhang. “System Dynamics Modeling and Simulation of Information Resources Allocation of R&D Cooperation in China.” International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications, 2011,5(2).

• Yang Zhao, G Mingjing, V Kaisa. “The Information Resources Allocation Mechanisms in the National Innovation System of Finland.”Journal of Convergence Information Technology, 2010,5(9)

• Yang Zhao, Changping Hu. “AHP and CA Based Evaluation of Website Information Service Quality: An Empirical Study on High-Tech Industry Information Center Web.”Journal of Service Science and Management, 2009,3(9).

• Changping Hu, Yang Zhao. “Evaluation of Information Service Input- efficiency in Chinese Regional Innovation Systems.” Library Tribune, 2008(6)

Journal Papers (Domestic)

• Yang Zhao, Qian Hu. “Collaborative Development of Information Resources Allocation in China National Innovation System.”Library and Information Services,2011,55(15)

• Yang Zhao.“Research Progress and Hot issues of Information Resources Allocation under Innovation Environment.”Information Studies: Theory & Application.2012(2)

• Yang Zhao, Qian Song. “Construction and Implementation of Distributed Information Resources Allocation System for Collaborative Innovation.” Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences, 2012,4(13).

• Song Qian, Yang Zhao. “The Operating Mechanism of E-commerce Services under Cloud Computing Environment”, Journal of Information Science(Pre-publication)

• Ruoxin Zhou, Yang Zhao. “Factors Influencing Users Decisions to Select Return Freight Insurance of Online Shopping A Case Study on”Journal of Convergence Information Technology, 2013,8(9)

Conference Papers (International)

• Yang Zhao, G Mingjing. “The Architecture for Digital Library Information Service in the Ambient Intelligence Environment.” International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering (ICCSSE), Dec 10-13, 2010. (Acceptance rate 32%)

• Changping Hu, Yang Zhao. “An Ontology-based Framework for Knowledge Service in Digital Library.”IEEE International Conference on Communications, Services, Knowledge and Engineering Publication Information(WICOM), Oct 22-24, 2009.(Acceptance rate 26%).

• Changping Hu, Yang Zhao, Xueqin Zhao. “Wiki-based Knowledge Sharing in A Knowledge-Intensive Organization”. Seventh I3E 2007: The IFIP Conference one-Business/Commerce, e-Services, e-Society, Aug 13-15, 2009. (Acceptance rate 25%).


• Yang Zhao.“Information Resources Collaborative Allocation in National Innovation System.” Wuhan: Wuhan University Press, 2012.

• Yang Zhao.“Research Progress and Hot issues of Information Resources Allocation under Innovation Environment.” In: Progress in Information Resources Management Research, edited by Changping Hu.Wuhan: Wuhan University Press, 2010.

• Changping Hu, Shengli Deng, Min Zhang, Yang Zhao, Xueqin Zhao. “Information Resources Management Principles.”Wuhan: Wuhan University Press, 2008


Government-funded grants

• National Natural Science Foundation of China Grant,12CTQ005,“Mobile Service Quality Control of Digital Library.” PI: Yang Zhao, 2012-2015.

• Natural Science Foundation of Wuhan University Grant, 104274710,“Research of Information Resources Collaborative in Industry Cluster Innovation Network.” PI: Yang Zhao, 2011-2013.

• National Post-doctoral Science Fund Grant, 201104459, “Collaborative Operation Model of Mobile Information Services Chain Based on Context-aware.” PI: Yang Zhao, 2011-2013.

• National Post-doctoral Science Fund Grant, 20100480879, “Collaborative Organization of Information Resources under Cloud Computing Environment.” PI: Yang Zhao, 2010-2012.

• National Natural Science Foundation of China Grant, 79373049, “User-oriented Information Resources Integration and Services.”PI: Changping Hu, Co-PIs: Yang Zhao,et al, 2010-2014.

• National Natural Science Foundation of China Grant, 71373192, “Integration Scenarios Mobile Reading Recommendation System.”PI: Liyi Zhang, Co-PIs: Yang Zhao, et al, 2013-2017.


● Advanced E-commerce Engineer, China Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, 2007

● Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation, The Educational Office of HUBEI Province of China, 2012

● Outstanding Achievements of Natural Science Award, The Educational Office of HUBEI Province of China, 2012

● Science and Technology Progress Award, The Educational Office of HUBEI Province of China, 2011

● Outstanding Postdoctoral Award, Wuhan Univertisy,2012

● The First prize of Young Teachers Teaching Competition, Wuhan Univertisy,2012

● Outstanding Teacher Award, Wuhan Univertisy,2013


2012 - present

Associate Professor, School of Information Management, Wuhan University

2010 - present

Consultant, Research Center of Information Resource, Wuhan University


• Referee, The 8th Int'l Conference onComputing and Convergence Technology

• Referee,International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications ( IJCNC )

• Referee, International Workshop on Network Technologies, Services and Applications, Guangzhou, China

• Referee, Information Technology Journal

• Committee, E-Commerce Association of Hubei Province

• Member, Research Center for Collaborative Innovation of Wuhan University

• Member, Wuhan University Youth Academic Team "Digital Humanities and semantic mining"